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Allulose, a low-calorie sweetener, belongs to the monosaccharide group of sugars and occurs naturally in fruits like figs, raisins, and jackfruit. Commercially produced from sources like corn, it's known for its 70% sweetness compared to sucrose but with fewer calories. With a taste similar to sugar, it's popular for calorie reduction and blood sugar management. Its low glycemic index makes it suitable for diabetics and low-carb diets. Allulose also promotes oral health, lacking in tooth decay promotion, and shows stability in baking and cooking, making it versatile for a variety of products. Molecular Formula:C6H12O6 CAS No:551-68-8


Alex installa banchi e celle frigorifere e abbattitori di temperatura. Progetta e realizza impianti per grandi cucine, mense scolastiche e aziendali, arredamenti completi con servizio "chiavi in mano". Arredamenti su misura in acciaio inox e non. Vende e ripara affettatrici, registratori di cassa telematici e bilance.

